From Alma Durkin

I am writing this in the middle of the Corona virus pandemic and hoping it will soon be over. Eight weeks confined to the house and still counting but, In the meantime, we must amuse ourselves and keep busy to keep sane.

My brain seems to be at its best when I wake up about 2 am. That’s when I decided to copy the Uxbridge community idea where my daughter lives and organize a food drive for our Crescent.

My neighbours rallied round and were able to get a van packed with supplies. The young people did all the work and I received all the accolades.

Just think, if every Aurora street did this, the food bank would be overwhelmed. We may be old but we can still make suggestions and benefit our less fortunate neighbours.

Are Joe and I the oldest members of the Aurora Senior Centre? We must be pretty close since we were in our sixties when we joined and are in our mid nineties now. So many good times, mostly dancing up a storm, in both the old and this ‘new’ building. We are so lucky to live in a great community like Aurora with so many wonderful friends and neighbours. I intend to contribute more, if allowed, so be warned. 


And featured in the Auroran!

Aurora Seniors Centre

The Aurora Seniors Centre is operated in partnership with the Town of Aurora's Community Services Department. Its success is based on the Seniors who volunteer their time and Town of Aurora staff. Our goal is to provide programs, events and activities that will benefit and enrich the lives of older adults.


  • 90 John West Way
  • Aurora, ON L4G 6J1
  • 905-726-4767
Aurora Seniors Association
Town of Aurora
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