From Zee Marsden

I grow my own herbs and make my own herbed Olive Oil.

I pack a mason jar with whatever kind of herbs I grow: Basil, Thyme, Oregano etc., add sliced garlic, crushed pepper flakes and fill with Olive Oil. Cover with a piece of cheese cloth. DO NOT COVER THE JAR WITH THE LID. Otherwise as the oil heats up it will explode.

With these days being so hot I stand the jar for about five days in the hot sun. Let the sun do the cooking for me. Otherwise I heat the oil in the microwave and pour over the herbs.

Can also be done using dried herbs. These herbed oils I have seen at Farmers Markets upwards of $25.00 per litre.

Aurora Seniors Centre

The Aurora Seniors Centre is operated in partnership with the Town of Aurora's Community Services Department. Its success is based on the Seniors who volunteer their time and Town of Aurora staff. Our goal is to provide programs, events and activities that will benefit and enrich the lives of older adults.


  • 90 John West Way
  • Aurora, ON L4G 6J1
  • 905-726-4767
Aurora Seniors Association
Town of Aurora
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